
Something something, joe brandon – something something – inflation.

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Who Doesn’t Want Free Money

In the month of April, got really interested in not doing the work that we get paid to do here (journalists am I right?). We made money through a couple of different vectors and figured it might require a writeup. None of that Mechanical turk bullshit, Just lowest effort, highest roi.

What did we do? Well, the strategies were just in the testing phase but I think that May will be much more focused. Learn from our toil, The methods here are legit and I will include some referral links if you want to help out a humble information aggregator.

Some of what inspired us to write this and share this information is to give others additional fiscal breathing room that they can use to pursue self-development and growth. The additional autonomy to have a second income no matter how small gives the gift of some autonomy. If that kind of thing doesn’t interest you, hopefully watching graphs go up does

Dumb Shit$252.66
“Social Casinos”$124.00
Surveys / Case Studies$51
Grand Total:$523.68
This month’s output I made while working my day job.

If this interests you, set aside a little bit of time and read this whole guide.

Passive income is a lie (but so is active income)

All of this shit takes a couple of clicks or a little bit of time investment. The way that we weighed all of this stuff out was the ROI. 20 percent of the inputs yield 80 percent of the outputs. I will outline some of the easier shit that was done that took more time and vice versa. You can do most of this shit with $0 in the bank but having some money helps with the first chunk of methods which I believe deserve a mention. Time is required, but most of the time focus and attention are not.

You can get better returns doing other things, but this is mostly meant to be as passive as possible instead of driving uber, door dash, etc. Additionally, look at your finances to validate you aren’t blowing money on subscriptions that you don’t use and have a good idea of your financial picture month to month.


We strongly suggest creating a dedicated e-mail for this as you may be getting blown up by all of the offers. Use one of these providers marked with freemium or setup a new gmail / outlook.

Keep good record of what you are doing here as the graphs going up drives motivation to continue. We use a spreadsheet for this but anything will do. This is also valuable for keeping track of the amount of time you are spending vs the amount gained so that you can have a good dollar to hour ratio but you don’t have to be that autistic with it if you don’t want to be.

Personally, we use a dedicated web browser for a lot of the things mentioned below for cookie sanitation / clear click throughs. For FreeCash they track when you open things through them, and it is essential to getting paid that they can track that without your normal web extensions blocking it.

This is written primarily for US residents who are over the age of 18.


This can be split up into three categories,

  1. Bank Account Churning
  2. Credit Card Churning
  3. Broker Churning

Banks will pay you between $100-$300 for getting your direct deposits for a month, read the terms on how long the account has to stay open for but moving direct deposit at work to a new account, move existing / scheduled withdrawals might take a couple of hours, that works out to $50-$150/hr for your time punching in numbers. Not hard, highly recommend. You can spoof direct deposits in a lot of different ways to get around the whole direct deposit thing but that requires some additional effort, do the research into that if you are interested.

Credit Cards will pay you between $200-$400 to open a new line of credit with them with a various amount of minimum spends in order to get the bonus. Even if your credit sucks, someone out there will probably pay you 50 bucks to open an account just praying that you can’t make the payment and accrue interest. Don’t let them win and you can do this 4-6 times a year (people debate on this on reddit dot com check it out). That’s $800 to $2400 a year. Schedule it if scamming like this interests you, take what’s yours.

Brokers are the places people go to buy things. You can do this with Crypto vendors and stock brokers. Both will pay you in crypto and stocks to open accounts with qualifying deposit. If you aren’t there yet, that’s chill – we will get there if you have a $0 budget to turn your money into more money.

Wait to open accounts with brokers until you check the list of available offers on FreeCash as you can double dip / double stack free money.

Wait to open accounts with brokers until you check the list of available offers on FreeCash as you can double dip / double stack free money. For instance, the offer to the left will give you $42 and up to 12 free fractional shares.

Overall, I think these methods should all be utilized as much as possible because filling out bank forms and copy and pasting your new account number / credit card details is some of the easiest ROI you can get – and it scales really well.

Doing dumb shit on your computer / phone

Writing this on 05/01/24, I opened the account on 04/01/24. Completed offers in this case compound over a single “task”. When you redeem this to crypto you get an additional 30%, you can redeem directly through this website but with that conversion this puts me at $323.70. Sign up for this website is mentioned in the next section. The biggest line items from this cash out are worth noting as it shows the strategy / method in the madness.

Once signed up, you will be greeted with one of the busiest looking websites we have ever seen. It can be easy to get lost in the sauce here but once you learn how to navigate the website and offers you will be right on your way. By default it shows all offers, you can sort these views by category. These offers change / are updated daily so check in once a day or so to see if you missed something.

Here is a brief overview of how we used it this April:

  1. Acorns, I setup an account through a link on the website and got paid $70 to do it. I can cancel it after 30 days requiring an initial investment of $10. for that month of “service”.
  2. Pulsz, I opened an account on a sweepstakes casino website and deposited $20. After that I played the stupid games “for 5 days in a row,” which took all of 10 minutes total – this website paid me $46.70 to do that.
  3. Monopoly game on an old android phone, I played this game over the course of the month and met the objectives for the levels and it yielded $88.50. I played this stupid game while I was sitting in bed or watching a show, almost no attention paid to it.

As highlighted above, the higher offers require some buy in. Just consider the amount of money they are paying you to do it vs the return. Sometimes the return doesn’t cancel out what dumb shit they are telling you to buy, and I ignore those offers. Other offers will pay very highly if you get to a specific level in a game, not noting that in order to get to the level you would have to pay to win your way there with in game currency.

Games are currently a great way to make money because they think you will fall for the in-game purchases, FreeCash actually incentives you to where if you spend $3 in game, they will give you $5 and so on. The way we mitigate this is using a mouse / keyboard using a free (as in speech and free as in beer) program called scrcpy. This allows you to right click when these ads pop up and that registers on the phone as a back press and will breeze you right around the ads. Information on how to get this running is here, sorry android only for the iToddlers amongus.

Those 3 tasks made up $205 of my $249, if you did more – you could make more, and vice versa. You could take this money and get it deposited into an account a gift card or you can get 30% additionally if you use the following:

Sweepstakes Based Casinos

The site that you are able to cash out from with an additional edge will be linked somewhere here but it is a one off, a unicorn, the exception that makes the rule. No playthrough requirement, crypto only withdrawal and a $45 minimum with actually reasonable fees. On top of this, the “social casino” offers a daily $1 credit on check in. That is $30(a month) for logging in, clicking twice and closing the tab.

The reason I think this framing is required is because a lot of other “social casinos” are out there looming. They are a lot like the banks giving you promotional money in hopes that you are enticed by the visuals and feelings to dump real money into them so they can take advantage of you.

As mentioned before, almost 100% of these Casinos require playthrough. That means if you buy $50 worth of coins and they give you an offer where you get $100 worth of credit, you have to play through all $50 of your money and all $50 of the house money in order to cash out your initial investment. Some people see this as an opportunity to load up those purchases on a credit card and hope that they are able to play through the money and retain as much of the casino’s money before they cash out. You can do this, but some of these places don’t pay out for weeks so make sure if you do go after this that you are able to cover the balance of what you purchase as to not debtmaxx / take out of your winnings of the casino’s money when you eventually receive them. This practice is widely referred to as “Counter Gambling”. This technique works pretty well if you track your inputs and outputs, aren’t addicted to gambling, and have free time.

For Stake, I suggest taking your 30% free money from your FreeCash offers and the $1 a day free check in credit and sending them to your favorite crypto exchange and cash out this way.

Other casino’s offer the $1 free check in with the caveat of it being a 1x playthrough requirement. This is fine on casino’s that offer $1 but some offer less and not all of them offer blackjack which has a high rate of return (smallest casino edge). At scale this can range from $.10 to $1 a day for login (doing nothing) Across ~10-20-30 casinos, $300 bucks a month for 10 assuming a 100% return but with house edge likely less.

These change all the time and the spreadsheet we made would make this article look a lot more convoluted so this might be a good chance to just make another article on this specific strategy. For now (time of writing) we will include additional resources at the bottom of the article

Surveys / Case Studies

Surveys return a very small amount of money for the time you put into them. Unless you see them on Freecash and you are double dipping in free money, we would say they aren’t worth the time.

Case studies and market research yield more of a return but are not as widely available. If you are eligible for them, they can make you up to $30-$50 an hour or more.

Many providers exist for this kind of thing, I use dscout but might branch out to others.


These methods are a great start, but more methods are always available. It is hard to really curate a single point for them because most people are shilling referral links instead of actually telling you what to do / how to do it. This makes finding new methods a little bit tougher, but they are out there.

We might make a video for this for the reading impaired but for now this is what we have,

We wrote this for the love of the game and for the boys, if you would like to thank us fiscally or otherwise use the referral links and/or email for crypto addresses.

Additional Resources:

This may be a living document with additional information to come or it may become a series.


The following content is provided solely for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to real-life financial advice or events is purely coincidental. All information, scenarios, and examples presented within this guide are entirely fictional and occurred within the virtual world of Minecraft.

Readers are advised that the content does not constitute financial advice or guidance of any kind. No real-world financial decisions should be based on the information provided herein. Any actions taken based on the content are at the reader’s own risk.

By engaging with this guide, you acknowledge and accept that all material presented is fictional and should not be interpreted as real-world financial guidance or advice.